VigiOne Allows you to:
Map Policies & Procedures and Controls to Regulations and Standards
Store information and evidence in a single repository
Generate up-to-date, customizable, automated Reporting & Analysis
Demonstrably maintain security & compliance levels
Implement security and adapt to the evolving regulatory environment
Upscale and adapt to your organization’s needs
Integrate assessors and implementors, internal and external
VigiOne Features
Integration with 3rd party tools e.g. ASV, Terminal.
Task assignment and management tool with calendaring.
Full reporting, configured by user type and with dynamic features.
Role-driven platform based on the “need-to-know” principle.
Multi-level organizational and user management.
Integrated Security Awareness education and eLearning
Straightforward official &customized self-assessment
Policy and procedure management & dissemination tool
E-Commerce functionality to upgrade as and when needed
Integrated Secure Evidence Repository.

- Cyber Security Services
- Digital Transformation
- Compliance Service
- Cyber Security Services
- Digital Transformation
- Compliance Service